

This website is for recording my life.

​ “I understand now, you are attracted to greatness. Because greatness is all in you. But it’s easier to watch greatness. It’s easier to go see greatness, than it is to put in the time, to put in the energy, to discipline yourself, to sacrifice … It’s easier, so that’s why you average.

​ You’ve been doing the same thing, you at the same job. You are experiencing the same things in your life. Nothing has changed. Everything about you is phenomenal. But you’ve consciously made a decision to be average. You are average in school, you are average at your workplace, like everything you do is average, not because it’s average, but because you made a decision. You make a choice to be average … , Why ?

​ Because the people around you are average or maybe you grew up in an average environment or went to an average school or you’ve worked for an average company. So you’ve decided. You’ve decided to go against who you are. No one else feels sorry for you, only you do. That’s the type of mindset when people aren’t successful at life. They sit there and feel sorry for themselves and they want all this fucking sympathy from everybody else. Yet they are not willing to go out there and make shit happen for themselves. Because this is not for every one. This is not for the faint at heart. This is for people who have goals and dreams, that they want to achieve. You could be great if you just showed up.

​ You deserve to see what your life would look like if you gave a 120%. You gotta run after your destiny. The choice that we have though is either to give up or keep on going. I wanna ask you – what are you going to believe. Are you gonna believe … in yourself ? Are you gonna believe everybody else’s judgement on you ?

​ I want your dream to be so clear, so vivid. That when you wake up in the morning all you have to do is step in your dream.

​ I didn’t get it till I got to this age, but I am gonna start running. I messed up junior high, but now I’m gonna start running. I messed up high school, but now I’m gonna start running. The moment you get the word – you want to run … The father said – the day you hear my voice hiding at your heart. When God gives you a chance at an escape, don’t be cute … Run after your destiny. RUN, don’t be ashamed, RUNNN.

​ The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender. And that’s in every aspect of life

​ Start acting like this is your last day on the planet. I deserve to see what my life would like if I gave a 120%. I’d rather aim for the stars and not hit them, than to not aim at all. I’d rather go after it and not get it, than not go after it at all. I’d rather try and fail, than not try at all.

​ I don’t wanna live with the idea – wonder what would’ve happen had I done more with my life. You can’t walk after your destiny. Don’t spend all your time trying to fix what’s behind you. Because you will never be able to fix what’s behind you. You have to run after what’s in front of you “



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